Defining and executing a brand identity
HelloWorld is the leading site for hiring IT candidates in Serbia, with the biggest monthly visit. It functions as a separated niche site within the Poslovi Infostud Group.

We had two main things on our mind before we rolled up our sleeves - this is basically brand within a brand, even though it has its own set of rules of the surroundings in which it exists it should retain the connection with the umbrella brand. Secondly, since the brand should mainly communicate with the people from the IT community, we wanted it to "feel" like a real digital environment, from the website itself to all brand elements and materials.

Part of HTML code
Each brand element we designed was inspired by a certain motif derived from the world of informational technology. For example, HelloWorld logo was created as if it was a part of HTML code, while the brand color code was created in RGB, a color model predominantly intended to be used in digital surroundings.